Monday, 25 January 2016

Esther Devotional Series

The book of Esther invites readers to an intriguing plot of love, deceit, treachery, revenge and triumph. As the story unfolds, we see the hands of God steering the events of the lives of the main characters, which makes me reflect on my own life and how God has been there with me over the years throughout my Christian journey. 

The story of Esther took place around 485-464 B.C. in the Persian city of Shushan, during the reign of King Ahasuerus. As the story unfolds, we are told of an orphan girl of Jewish decent, Hadassah, the most unlikely candidate of that time being made queen of the one of the most powerful kingdom of all times. The bible story gives us a front seat view into scenes of her life. Most profound were the decisions she made as queen, which reflected her unfaltering character, faithfulness to God and dedication to her family.

The biggest lesson that I have learnt from Esther’s life is that service to God should be paramount in our lives. I have been inspired by the many lessons of Esther’s life, which have helped to shape my Christian faith over the past years. From studying Esther’s story I felt the need to dedicate my life entirely to the will of God by reaching more women who need to know about Jesus’ love and purpose for their lives.

Over the next few weeks I will sharing with you a set of devotions from the book of Esther. I encourage you all to have a read of this exciting bible book. If you have already read this book, here is another opportunity to revisit it with a new perspective.

Author: Dr. D. Richards

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Seek the Lord

Jeremiah 29:13
You shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart.

Is there something that is still missing from your life? Are you searching for that one thing that will bring you happiness? Might you be searching in the wrong places, your job, your marriage, your children, parties or your friends?

Might I suggest that you search the holy scriptures, The Bible. There you will find the desire of all ages, Jesus. Get down on your knees in fervent prayer and study the bible diligently. Search for Jesus with you heart, with a spirit of surrender and selflessness. You will find Him there with open arms just waiting to lead you in the right path to happiness.

Nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

A word of meditation from James 1:2-4

Consider it pure joy, my sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.